Monday, March 1, 2010

黄國富 Henry Huynh

Hi, my name is Henry Huynh. I am 15 years old and I am a sophomore at Oakland Tech. High School. Before I accept Jesus Christ as my God, I was always depressed because most of my school years I didn’t know anybody in school. I did not talk at all in school and I had no courage to go up to talk to them because I thought I was weird and abnormal for the way I talk or dress. I worried how others might think of me so I always lied about myself. When I was in 7th grade my girlfriend dumped me for another guy. After that I felt horrible and I said to myself, “what was the point of living in this world?” One time I was so depressed that I thought of suicide, cutting or hanging myself. When I was mad I couldn’t control my temper, I would say foul language or punch on the walls.

This is how I come to believe in Jesus Christ. It all started in the summer of 2009 when I went to the summer program of Faith Jireh Christian church. After several weeks of going to the summer program, I took the advice of the teachers and the ministers and returned every week to church meetings. At the end of the summer program I joined the church camp. On the last day of the camp, a minister told me about Jesus Christ and invited me to accept Jesus as my God. I admit that I am a sinner because I have done really bad things that God wouldn’t approve. I believe Jesus Christ is God and He died on the cross for my sins. So that day I asked Jesus to forgive my sins and invited Jesus to come into my heart as my God and my savior.

Jesus Christ helped me get through the hard time and thanks to Him I was able to survive it. Jesus always watches over me and guides me. After I accepted Jesus Christ I start to feel happy again. One time I asked Jesus to help me make friends, now I have friends both in church and in school. A few weeks ago in a P.E. class I was mad at some classmates who cheated when playing badminton with me. This time I just walked away and calmed down. Now I tell less lies and try to tell more truth because I know it is not right to lie.

Today I obey the teaching of the bible to witness that I am a Christian and be baptized.

I would like to share with you a bible scripture from Romans chapter 12 verse 20, it says, “If your enemy is hungry feed him. If he is thirsty give him a drink. If you do this you will make him feel guilty and ashamed.”

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